Actually, we have just created this website! It still needs some adjusting, so thanks for your patience. One of the upcoming upgrades is having a cart and online ordering. Meanwhile, at this point, this is how you order: visit the articles in Shop-Tenda page and take note of the names, then send us a message through the Contact page. Right away, we'll write you with payment details and before you know it, a cute little packet will be delivered to your door. Thanks for being so flexible!
De fet, acabem de crear aquesta web, o sigui que encara necessita alguns ajustaments! Moltes gràcies per la vostra paciència. De moment, la manera de posar una comanda és visitar la pàgina Shop-Tenda, agafar nota i enviar-nos un missatge a través de la pàgina Contacte. De seguida us enviarem dades de pagament i en un tres i no res el paquet arribarà a casa vostra. Gràcies per la vostra flexibilitat!